Christmas is just around the corner, can you believe it? Some of us have been super organised all year, slowly ticking through our lists to make the weeks leading up to the big day as pain-free as possible! Others, however, will be running around like headless chickens on Christmas Eve. If you find yourself in the latter, no fear. We have put together The Last Minute Christmas Checklist; a list of tasks to do in the final week and the best time for them, whilst still leaving plenty of time to hit the shops and buy the presents you’ve been meaning to grab for the last 3 months.
One Week Before
Deep clean your house
You’ll enjoy those decorations even more if the floors are clean and the kitchen is organized. One important task: Clear out your refrigerator. Toss old leftovers to make room for big dishes and ingredients that’ll be piling up closer to the holiday.
If you haven’t stocked up while Christmas shopping, make sure you have all the additional items necessary for that handheld video game or remote-controlled car.
Three Days Before
Shop for fresh ingredients.
Hit the store for the last-minute vegetables or fruit you need for meals.
So you only use those plates once a year? Enjoy them! Go ahead and set the table. Make it even easier on the big day by putting a sticky note on each platter that states what dish you plan to serve on it. (That also allows people to help you without asking 12 times.)
Two Days Before
Start cooking.
You’ve probably got some bits stocked away in the freezer already, but now’s the time to prep main courses and make anything that can sit for a couple of days.
Buy fresh flowers.
Whether they are for a party or a family meal, fresh flowers should always be purchased two days in advance. Blooms have time to open up, and they’ll still be lush and fragrant.
The Day Before
Finish last-minute wrapping.
And assemble toys that will be a surprise from Santa.
Finish cooking, and make a timeline for the next day.
Decide when you’ll be eating, then count backwards to determine when to put the turkey (or ham or roast beef) in the oven and what else needs to be cooked.
Sit back and relax.
Enjoy your family and friends and relish the traditions you share.
Will you be using The Last Minute Christmas Checklist?
We hope you all have a magical Christmas and a Happy New Year!